Young people

The Renaissance Supported Housing Welcome   

Young people are given a warm welcome to Renaissance in the hope they enjoy their stay, and make best use of the specialist services provided.

Moving into a new house and meeting new housemates and staff can be a strange, exciting or possibly an unsettling time; but we always do our best to help young people settle in. Should you move into one of our houses the “Resident Handbook & Induction” will be useful to answer some of the questions you may have about Renaissance Supported Housing.

What Renaissance do

Renaissance Supported Housing prepare young people for living independently for the first time by encouraging and supporting them to overcome the barriers that may once have held them back.

We offer support via a Life Skills Programme, as well as offering advice and guidance within a safe, secure and comfortable environment; where young people are enabled and encouraged to become independent and confident young adults.

Support Sessions

Each young person will have an allocated Support Worker who offers support in the development of independent living skills through the provision of support work sessions focused on practical life skills, and if appropriate personal tutoring.

Below are some areas young people are encouraged to develop:

Sessions will also look at the young person’s lives as a whole, supporting them in developing insight and confidence; whilst building on the positives and tackling difficult aspects of their life.  This may cover areas such as substance misuse, criminal activity, anger management, self-awareness and identity.

We also do lots of fun things such as outings to the cinema, bowling, ice skating and we provide a house meal every month; this could be a take away or something we prepare. This is an opportunity to come together and get to know everyone better.

Prior to moving in you would have an opportunity to view the house and meet staff, who are all use to working with young people. If you have any questions you could give us a call or drop us an email